Nadia Yakoob & Associates

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Immigrant Visa Applicants Will Need to Show Health Insurance Coverage Effective November 3, 2019

Effective November 3, 2019, applicants for an immigrant visa will be required to show their ability to obtain health insurance within 30 days of entry into the United States during their consular interview.  Visa applicants should complete Form DS-5541 to provide information on their health insurance plan and date coverage will begin or ability to pay for healthcare for any “reasonably foreseeable” medical costs.  Failure to demonstrate the financial resources to obtain health insurance will result in a denial of their visa application.

Please note that this requirement applies only to immigrant visa applicants, not temporary visa categories, such as visitors, students, and workers in E, H-1B, L, O, P and TN.

The new requirement is a result of a Presidential Proclamation issued on October 4, 2019. It contains exceptions for the following categories of immigrants: refugees and asylees; children of U.S. citizens (whether adopted, biological, or step), applicants for K fiancé visas, and individuals under the age of 18, unless they are accompanying parents who are also immigrating into the US.

This alert is for informational purposes. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this development further.