Nadia Yakoob & Associates

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Changes to Visa Interview Waiver Criteria

The criteria for a visa interview waiver were updated on February 18, 2025, and took immediate effect. The categories of applicants eligible for visa interview waivers now are:

  • A-1, A-2, C-3 (excluding attendants, servants, or personal employees of accredited officials);

  • G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO-1 through NATO-6, TECRO E-1;

  • Diplomatic or official visas; and

  • Individuals that previously held a visa in the same category that expired within the past 12 months.  

Previously, individuals who had held any visa in the previous 48 months qualified for an interview waiver. Not having to attend a visa interview simplifies the process for visa applicants as they simply drop off (or mail) their visa applications with their passports at a designated place in the country where they are applying. For high volume posts, like Mission India, applications are dropped off at a certain date. 

With the narrowing of the eligibility criteria for a waiver of the visa interview requirement, more visa applicants will have to appear in person for their interview, which will slow down the processing time for getting a visa appointment and the visa approval.  Foreign nationals should plan accordingly.     

To qualify for a waiver, applicants also must:

  • Apply in their country of nationality or residence;

  • Never had a visa denial; and

  • Have no apparent or potential ineligibility.

While applicants may be eligible for a waiver, consular officers can still request in-person interviews on a case-by-case basis or due to local conditions.  Visa applicants should be prepared for the possibility of being called in for an interview and longer processing times to allow the government to complete the 'extreme vetting' requirements under the new administration's Executive Order Protecting the US from Foreign Terrorists and other National Security and Public Safety Threats.

This alert is for informational purposes. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this development further.